
Advantages of hiring a car in Kenya

Advantages of renting a car in Kenya

The car hire option is becoming very popular among Kenyans of all age groups. Especially for road trips, work trips, family trips, events like the Safari Rally and other adventures. 

For sure hiring a car has many benefits, let's explore some of the advantages of hiring a vehicle:

Cost effective 

The best thing about hiring a car is that you dont have to actively own a car if you dont need one. For instance, if you live inside a city or town, work from home and live in a community with a shopping complex, recreation amenities and health care - chances are that all the services you need are just a short walk away or can even be delivered to you. In this case, you really do not need to buy and maintain a vehicle, instead you can just hire a car for long distance travels. Of course this requires a valid driving license and proper driving skills. An alternative is to hire a chauffeured vehicle, especially when hiring luxury vehicles. 

Speaking of luxury vehicles, another way car hire is cost effective is for event purposes like weddings, engagements, birthdays, graduations and such. You don't need to buy a luxury vehicle or a fleet of luxury vehicles for the entourage at you event. You only need to hire some beautiful vehicles to turn your memorable event into the talk of the town. 


When travelling to a new place, especially on a solo mission, it's advisable to get a hired vehicle. The reason being your assured of assistance throughout your journey if need be. Remember a new place means new terrain, new weather, possible language barrier, new culture and so on. A Car hire services is usually experienced with different locations and their intricate needs. They will advise you on the best type of vehicle to travel in for your desired destination. 

In case you encounter any challenges, it's in the best interest of your service provider that you and their vehicle return safely. This is reason why hired vehicles are equipped with tracking sytems. In a hired vehicle, your safety is assured.

Hiring a car will save you the agony of having to use strange taxis especially in remote areas. You and your luggage will be safe day and night. This is why we hire out vehicles.

Quality of life

Hiring a car while on vacation is the best thing you can possibly do for you and your comrades - family and friends. Hiring a car will assure your comfort so you can enjoy your time.

Firstly, it will allow you to actually enjoy your vacation; instead of driving for hours to Mombasa or Kisumu, simply take a flight or the train, then have your hired vehicle pick you up at the airport or station, so you don't have to carry your luggage around like a camel.

Once picked up you can start exploring the local delicacies and entertainment of your new location even before you arrive your hotel because you did not have to endure hours of driving to your holiday so you have plenty of energy upon arrival. 

Since you have a car, you can explore hidden gems of your new location that might not be accessible by bus or boda boda or "Toe-yota" / "Footsubishi". You also don't have to rush through things because of time limits like when the matatus end or when the taxi driver closes etc. The vehicle is your for now, take your time and enjoy your vacation - your paying good money to be there. 

Hire a car to truly enjoy your vacation - explore, adventure, capture moments and make memories.

Save Money on hotels

Hire a car by making a reservation on a hotel or lodge located in the outskirts and use the car to get there. Hotels on the outskirts will usually be more peaceful, with delicious fresh food - large portions too, offer nature activities to give value for money and you will enjoy the freedom of movement.

In case of remote destinations, consider getting a vehicle with a roof top tent for accommodation or even a fully functional recreational vehicle with all the amenities of house. Your hired vehicle will give you value for money on hotel rates.

Fuel efficiency

Most car hire companies offer the newer models of vehicles. The latest models are much more fuel-efficient which can save you money on your journeys, especially if you’re going to be going off road through different locations, such as mountainous roads, then it's best to use a vehicle that is designed to handle these certain road situations. With rental cars, you can choose the one that suits your needs and can provide you with the most comfortable and appropriate drive possible. Hire a vehicle that will save you money on fuel during off road adventures.

These are the top five reasons why you should hire a vehicle while travelling around Kenya. Be sure to contact us for more information about available rental vehicle options.
