
Car Hire Etiquette

Car hire services require a certain level of etiquette, it's not just hiring a vehicle and paying for it! Let's drive in and see how we need to behave with a hired vehicle or rental car. 

Firstly, you can get a car hire company like us online, at the airport, at tourist destinations, in the city and most major towns around Kenya. Most hire companies require drivers to be at least 21 years old to rent a car in Kenya, with an upper limit of about 75 years with good eyesight. 

Customers are expected to produce their National ID or proof of identity like passport, a valid driver's licence, KRA pin, and preferably pay with mpesa, credit or debit card, this will be used as proof of reservation or booking. Your location of residence might also be required. 

Before you even enter the vehicle, check for any damages, wear and tear and imperfections, and point them out to the representative So they can also take note. Ensure that the vehicle is insured, some hirers require a refundable fee KShs. 3000/= in case of any damage it is payable by the hirer, if no damage it's refunded to the client. Loss or damage of tyres, tools and windscreens or glasses are not covered by insurance.

Once successfully hired, keep in mind it's now your responsibility to keep the vehicle, yourself and passengers safe at all times. Be sure to lock the vehicle when unattended, avoid parking in a public area for long periods and of course adhere to traffic rules and regulations. The Hirer must not carry passengers for reward or gain. Most importantly, always have a designated driver, never drive under the influence. It's good to note that the ckmpany reserves the right to refuse a hire at any time without assigning any reasons.

Self drive rates exclude fuel, the usual rule is to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as when you collected it in case you don't return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel in, you will be charged for the remainder at the price. With full to full option your car is supplied with a full tank and you simply return it with a full tank, this paying nothing to the car hire company for fuel as long as it is returned full.

Very important to choose the right vehicle for your needs, small cars for urban areas and fuel efficiency and SUV for outdoor adventures. Seating Capacity is also very important. Be sure to pick up your rental and make payments on time and check on possible extra charges, say in case you return it late or have to cancel.

As always, you needn't return it as clean as it was at pick up. In case of messes, be sure to have it cleaned before returning. As a rule, no smoking and in case of pets be sure to check that your hire is pet friendly. In case of pet hair or soiled seats, you will be responsible for the cleaning services that will be needed in order to return it to its original state.

While larger companies are focused more on profits, the smaller, independent offices are a bit more invested in customer service. Though renting car from a large company may be more convenient don't shy away from using small companies too 

Safety first, even for a car hire, emergencies, accidents and incidents can happen. It’s a good idea to pack a mini-version of your DIY road safety kit and include just-in-case items such as a flashlight, extra batteries, flares, your roadside assistance card, and your provider should also have safety equipment in the vehicle.

